5 High-Level Programming Languages


PHP is an interpreted language, came into existence in the fall of 1994. It was developed by Rasmus Lerdorf. PHP is a multi-paradigm language. It started as a procedural language and grew into a muli-paradigm language. It includes imperative, functional. object-oriented and reflective. PHP had its ups and downs. It was created for tracking visits to Rasmus’s online resume but grew into a much larger something when he made the source code public and the other developers joined in. It went through a lot of design changes and name changes to become what we know it as today. Some of the bigger giants created by using PHP technology are Facebook, Wikipedia, and WordPress.


C# was created by Andres Helsberg back in 2000. It was developed under Microsoft’s wing within Microsoft’s .Net initiative and was later approved for the international standards. C# is a compiled language. Like the PHP, C# is also a multi-paradigm language, including imperative, object-oriented, and functional to name a few. The language was based on C language and was supposed to be a slightly better version of it. Creator of Java, Ryan Gosling, said that the language was a lot like Java, further adding that C# is sort of like Java with reliability and productivity without the security features. The language was named Cool (C-like object-oriented language) when it first came out but was later changed due to trademark reasons. It also had its own mascot named Andy, named after the creator of the language, Andres Helsberg. But was later retired in 2004. Some of the famous software that uses C# are Banshee (an open-source media player), Colectica (a program used for statistics), and Beagle (A search system for Linux).


Java is a compiled, high-level programming language that was created back in 1995 by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (now acquired by Oracle). Java is based on OOP (Object Oriented Programming) paradigm. The language has undergone a lot of changes since it was first released and all of that is governed by the Java Community Process (JCP). The project was first started by Ryan Gosling and his team members, Mike Sheridan and Patrick Naughton. The language was first being created to be used in TV technology but it was too advanced for the cable networks and TVs of the time so it was best suited for internet programming. Here is a few software that has been written using the Java language, these include, Weka (A data mining software), Joone (A neural network framework), and Jam (A data acquisition and analysis system).

4)Objective C

Objective C is a high-level programming language used for Apple operating systems like macOS and iOS. It was the standard programming language for Apple-based devices up until the introduction of Swift in 2014. Objective C is an Object-Oriented programming language and is a compiled language but in the traditional sense. It was first developed by Brad Cox and Tom Love in 1984. In 1988 Objective C was acquired by NeXT, which was then acquired by Apple in 1966 to be used in their software. Objective C is an addition to the C programming language.


Like Objective C, C++ is also an extension to the C programming language. It is a compiled language. C++ is a multi-paradigm programming language including Procedural, Object-Oriented, Generic, and Functional programming. It was created by Bjarne Stroustrup, back in 1985, and it has evolved a lot since then. C++ is used by the defense industry along with other languages like Java because C++ is hard to break into. C++ is still effectively used by brands like Twitch, Lyft, and Google.