Search: Brave

Brave is a chromium-based search engine. Its headquarters are located in San Francisco, USA. Brave distinguishes itself from all the other browsers because of its privacy-oriented approach. Brave doesn’t let any other site, such as Google and Youtube to show their ads on it’s browser and neither does it show any ads to its users. So how does it make any money? Well, Brave uses a  completely different method to make money. They allow users to make money from their browser by turning on the ads (Brave’s own ads).

The users get paid according to the number of ads they’ve watched. They get their money in the form of a cryptocurrency called BAT (Basic Attention Token). Let’s say, someone bought paid $1000 to Brave to show their ads on their browser. Brave will keep the 30% of that money and distribute 70% to its users in the form of BAT.